DE LEON SPRINGS, Fla. – The locally iconic De Leon Springs pancake restaurant is back open to the public following a five-week period of being closed for renovations. It’s now under new ownership, with the fresh proprietors debuting some tweaks to the beloved facility. Guest Services Inc. has taken over operations from Schwarze Enterprises; the latter had owned the pancake resaturant since 1961. There was great public outcry on social media following the announcement that the business would be closing in its original iteration. Among the changes being rolled out in the new pancake restaurant are new tables, a slightly tweaker but still similar menu, new overhead fans, and new flooring. The restaurant for years has been called the Old Spanish Sugar Mill, but will now be known as the Old Sugar Mill Pancake House. This change was requested by the management of De Leon Springs State Park where the restaurant operates, and excludes a misleading implication that Spanish settlers were involved in the construction of the building. The most pressing concern of West Volusia patrons was whether the restaurant’s famous make-your-own pancake system will remain in place. Indeed, Guest Service’s new tables will continue to offer the service that brought so many through the doors of the establishment.
De Leon Springs Pancake Restaurant Open Under New Ownership